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21 January 2021

Ways to cope in lockdown

In the midst of the third national lockdown with freezing weather and the news full of depressing headlines, it's hard to stay positive.

But by taking a mindful approach and proactively working on our mental health we can find ways to cope.

Take a look at some useful tips below and if your re-evaluation and goal setting involve learning some new skills or a career change, Lincoln College has a wide range of fully funded online training courses that might set you on the right path.

You can take can look here


1. Take each day as it comes

We don’t currently know how long lockdown will last and it can be pretty daunting to think about it going on for months.

Try to break it down into chunks and think about each day or each week as it comes. Plan activity for the next day or week to keep you busy and factor in both work and leisure time.

2. Set achievable goals

Give yourself some stuff to tick off that’s going to make you feel good about yourself and make it varied and eclectic. Have some things like taking a course or completing a work task that’s been nagging at the back of your mind, but also things related to exercise, relaxation, cooking or art.

3. Put some things in the diary to look forward to

When our social calendars have been wiped clean, we need to create some highlights in the road ahead.

Plan some social events, challenges to start or even holidays at a safe time in the future so you’ve got something to look forward to. These can also be really simple like little treats with the family or a takeaway meal.

4. Seek out a private space

Not having any privacy at all can be really claustrophobic. It can affect your mood and lead to tension in the household. Discuss this with people you’re living with and plan some alone time; whether it’s a walk alone, or time when you give each other a break by looking after children and letting the other person have a period of undisturbed time on their own. Everyone also needs a private space in the house to retreat to when they need it. Establish these places and make sure everyone understands that when you’re here you need to be left alone for a bit.

5. Be aware that stress affects everyone differently

Being cooped up together creates tension and stress and we need to be mindful that everyone reacts differently to this stress.

Some people can become really loud and angry and aggressive, whereas other people might retreat into themselves.

Having an awareness of how different people might react, and also how you may react, can allow you to pick up on this a lot more quickly. So, stay aware and keep those arguments to a minimum!

6. Keep to a routine

Staying in control of what you can control helps you to keep on a level and routine is part of this. Try and structure your day with breaks built in and this will help you to normalise the situation.

7. Step back and re-evaluate

Some of us will have more time at the moment, so use this as an opportunity to revaluate. You might think about a change in career and take time to plan how you will train for and afford this change.

Or you might think about moving house, or changing and improving your work environment. 

Think about some fun stuff too, like a new hobby you might like to try or an amazing holiday to look forward to.

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