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Career Degrees

Lincoln College University Centre’s Career Degrees offer students the chance to build on their existing qualifications with additional industry recognised qualifications and certificates.

We’ve designed our Career Degrees to focus on preparing graduates for employment in their chosen sector or industry by supporting the development of both academic knowledge and vocational skills.

We ensure our delivery is in small class sizes, allowing our students to receive more one-to-one time with their tutors, as well as engaging debates and collaborative working with fellow students.

With our condensed timetables, students may choose to work while studying, look after family or enjoy a better study-life balance.

Plus, our university-level students graduate in an annual ceremony held in and around the grounds of the historic Lincoln Cathedral.

Links to the individual course pages can be found at the bottom of this page or via the course search.

Why Choose Us?

Smaller Lecture and Tutor Groups

Our classes are smaller which means students can get more one-to-one time with their tutors, as well as with their fellow students.

Condensed Timetables

With our condensed timetables, students may choose to work while studying, enjoying a better study-life balance.

Bursaries and Funds

A bursary of up to £500 is available for students over the course of their programme to support independent study. Find out more.

Increased Employability

We work in partnership with local and national businesses, so we know that our students are learning exactly what they need.

We're TEF (Teaching Excellence Framework) Silver!

Lincoln College University Centre’s unique offer is awarded top quality stamp - TEF Silver.

A panel of Higher Education experts recognised the Centre for its “teaching, assessment and feedback”, the “research, innovation, scholarship, professional practice and employer engagement” as well as the “staff professional development and academic practice”, “learning environment and academic support”, “learning resources” and “student engagement”.

What Our Degree Students Say

Don't just take our word for it! Hear what our current and past students say about their experience studying at Lincoln College.

Why did you choose this degree course and why Lincoln College University Centre?

I chose this degree course mainly because I want to pursue a career in cybersecurity. I had offers from a few other universities but the staff and the quality of learning I would get by having the smaller group sizes at Lincoln College appealed more to me. Since I knew all the tutors beforehand it made the transition from Level 3 to BSc a lot easier to overcome.

What did you enjoy most about your course?

I think the small class sizes alongside the friendly tutors enable for a very enjoyable learning environment which I believe is the most enjoyable aspect of the course.

What advice would you give to someone else looking at studying the same course?

Don’t be afraid to ask questions as they will become your best friend and time management will become crucial so keep a journal or something to plan your time.

Why did you choose this degree course and why Lincoln College University Centre?

When I first started doing the Level 3 Extended Diploma in photography, I never really had any intentions of doing any further courses. It was after speaking to the tutors I then decided to further my studies.  

The course offers so much, the chance to be able to learn new skills and extended the ones you have as well as develop your own style/ area you want to go into with the support of the tutors.

What did you enjoy most about your course?

If I’m honest, I loved every second even the times I felt like launching my textbooks out the window! I enjoyed the trips and being able to see new things and learn about the history of photography, read new books and being able to delve into different photographers’ work. I used to love studio days, it was a chance to develop/perfect skills and learn new techniques with the support of your tutor and the rest of the class, it became such a fun lesson, and everyone worked as a team and bounced ideas around to get the perfect final photo.  

Everything I learned throughout the lessons gave me what I needed to create my final photos for the last brief of uni. I can also say after I graduated, I went on to be a self-employed photographer.

Why did you choose this degree course?

I had always wanted to be a violin maker from the age of 13. I asked the maker who I bought my viola from at age 13 what I had to do to become one and he told me that it was “no job for a young lady”! I then continued to get a music degree and went on to have a family because at the time I didn’t think to question him or that he might be wrong. It wasn’t until my husband was passing Newark College one day and picked up the paperwork that I applied. The rest is history!

What did you enjoy most about your course?

I instantly felt that the other people who were on the course were just like me. It takes a certain sort of person to study lutherie I think!  The tutors were all fantastic and I loved working with wood.

What advice would you give to someone else looking at studying the same course?

Go for it. Put in the hours, learn as much as you can from the tutors and your fellow students and make as many connections as you can.

Do you have any further comments about the course or Newark College?

Newark School of Violin Making is a jewel nestled away in the UK’s education system. Its reputation is world renowned and due to the passionate staff and wonderful teaching it must be preserved. I had a wonderful time and I hope it will always be there for subsequent generations of makers and restorers.


Chat With Students Online

Deciding what course and where to study is an important decision. That's why we believe it's important to be able to ask questions and chat with current students to help you make the right decision about what and where to study your degree.

Our online platform, unibuddy, is a free and easy way to allow you to message our friendly student unibuddy ambassadors to ask any questions you might have and start a conversation. Get involved today and start chatting!

Partner Institutions

We work with a number of partner institutions who validate our Higher Education Career Degrees.

These validated courses have been approved by the applicable university/organisation for delivery by Lincoln College University Centre, with the final award being issued by the university/organisation partner.

Our partners include:

Bishop Grosseteste University


The Open University

University of Derby

University of Hull

Support For Career Degree Students

We are proud of the level of support that we offer our students. We have a specialist team of professional Student Support Advisors who can offer guidance and support on a wide range of financial, personal and career-related issues. Our Student Services team are here to help students with any questions or problems they have before, during and after their time at College.

Mental Health & Learning Support
Financial Support