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09 May 2023

Access to HE Graduate Completes PhD

A Lincoln College Access to Higher Education graduate who studied on the Humanities and Arts Access to HE pathway in 2011-2012, has achieved his PhD.

A Lincoln College Access to Higher Education graduate who studied on the Humanities and Arts Access to HE Diploma pathway in 2011-2012, has achieved his PhD.

Dr Duncan Foster (MA FRSA AFHEA) is a Visiting Lecturer and Higher Education Academic Writing Development Specialist at Lincoln College. He started his PhD six years ago and is now celebrating receiving his doctorate.

Lincoln College’s Access to Higher Education (HE) Diplomas are designed to support adult learners in their progression to a wide range of degrees, working closely with higher education institutions, including Lincoln College University Centre's own degree provision, to ensure students are equipped with the skills they need for further study.

There is no upper age limit so students who have been out of education for a while or wish to change career direction and need a degree, are able to access the diploma.

Duncan's PhD thesis, which incorporated some of Duncan's previously published work from 2021 in Joyce Studies in Italy, was entitled Catching the Wave: Modernism and the Maritime Aesthetic.

The project looked at the sea as a medium whereby writers such as Virginia Woolf, James Joyce and Joseph Conrad, as well as Polar explorers, used the Modernist visual aesthetic of colour and light combined with an embracing of technology to examine fluid perspectives and alternate ways of seeing.

The thesis also addressed the relevance of these perspectives in the geo-politics of the twenty-first century. The examiners described the thesis as "an accomplished project" following "an exemplary Viva defence".

Dr Duncan said: "The thesis was six years in writing, and I am now looking at turning it into a book. After starting as an Access to HE student at Lincoln College in 2011, the successful completion of my doctorate marks the end of my student journey (for now!)."

Learn more information about our Access to HE Diplomas at Lincoln College.

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