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22 October 2020

#LoveOurColleges: Economic rebuild

We are marking College Week 2020 by taking a closer look at the way in which we add social and economic value in our communities. Lincoln, Newark and Gainsborough colleges have always worked to support learners, industry and the wider community and continue to do so throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.

Lincoln College has been supporting businesses through apprenticeship training for more than 130 years.

The College has beaten global recession in the past and continues to train apprentices in college and the workplace throughout lockdown.



Support for businesses has never been so crucial and Lincoln College Group is constantly looking at how it can provide assistance, not only through training, but also by helping companies access any funding available.

The Government has introduced a number of support and incentive schemes to ensure businesses are able to create new jobs and continue to train existing staff.

“Support ranges from covering the wages of people on placements via the Kickstart scheme and giving businesses up to £3,000 to hire an apprentice, to helping you retain existing staff via the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme,” said Mark Taylor, Director of Business Development Partnerships, at Lincoln College Group.

“It’s not easy navigating your way through incentive payments and support schemes, so we’re offering to remove the hassle for you by managing your recovery training needs.”

Expert advisors at Lincoln College are on hand to put together realistic and affordable workforce planning strategies, making sure you take full advantage of all the support payments available to businesses.

“We have access to free online training for your existing staff and we have hundreds of young people on our books suitable for apprenticeships and Kickstart placements,” said Mark.

“Our team of training experts will conduct phone and webchat consultations, or visit your business in person if it is safe to do so.”

To find out more about how Lincoln College Group can help your business, email Gemma Skaley at Lincoln College Group – [email protected]

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